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Why do SAP Customers rely on Onventis?

With the end of maintenance for SAP Business Suite 7, SAP customers must explore new procurement solutions. Onventis offers a seamless, cloud-based alternative to SAP Ariba and SAP S/4HANA for Central Procurement, providing flexibility, cost efficiency, and a fully integrated source-to-pay solution. 

What’s Covered: 

  • Seamless SAP Integration: Extend SAP functionality without disrupting existing systems. 
  • Future-Proof Procurement: A reliable alternative to SAP Ariba and S/4HANA for Central Procurement. 
  • Optimized for Mid-Sized Companies: Scalable, cost-effective, and easy to implement. 
  • Comprehensive Procurement Features: Manage strategic and operational purchasing in one platform. 
  • Proven Track Record: Trusted by over 100 SAP customers across industries. 

Download now to see why SAP customers rely on Onventis for their procurement needs! 

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