Onventis Buyer
Modernisera inköpsprocessen för att skapa mervärde
Digitalisera er inköpsprocess med Onventis Buyer. Onventis Buyer optimerar inköpsprocessen och möjliggör stora besparingsmöjligheter genom automatisering, processintegration och intuitiva och smidiga workflows. Digitaliseringen innebär också att transparensen ökar i såväl inköpsprocess som inköpsvolym.

Dessa företag litar på Onventis med sina inköpsbehov
Minska & undvik kostnader
Automatisera & optimera inköpsprocesserna
Ökad avtalsefterlevnad
Minimera risker och höj leveranssäkerheten
Ökad transparens ökar möjligheterna till bättre analys

Onventis is an easy to use system even for untrained employees. Over 80% of invoices are immediately well-read and automatically matched.

Before we didn´t have any system for handling our spend. Now, with Onventis Spend Analytics, we have gotten an increased transparency and control at our costs. We now have the possibility to handle our category projects in a better and more effective way.
Onventis is valuable to any company that’s got an increasing amount of supplier invoices coming into the firm, but also for any company that wants to get a proper handle on the supplier management process and also the supply procurement process.
The innovativeness of the company is pretty neat. Simply because of the fact that whenever we come up with more or less crazy ideas, we find an open ear at Onventis site for developing new processes, having discussions on how things could look like and how we could get that into real life.
Now we have one platform for everything, with very, very good availability and virtually no outages. Furthermore, the various interfaces work perfectly now.