Onventis Network
Ett globalt leverantörsnätverk som stärker relationen mellan köpare och säljare

Upptäck fördelarna med ett globalt integrerat leverantörsnätverk där köpare och leverantörer enkelt kan interagera och hantera alla typer av inköpstransaktioner. Onventis Network gör det enkelt att hantera alla företagets leverantörer samtidigt som det skapar nya möjligheter för tillväxt och nya samarbeten.

Dessa företag litar på Onventis med sina inköpsbehov


Våra e-upphandlingsexperter presenterar Onventis Allt-i-ett-nätverk för upphandling.


The Onventis Supplier Portal connects suppliers and buyers. In addition to strengthening our sales activities, we have central access to the order data of all Sonepar companies in the network at any time.

Matthias Soller |
Sonepar Deutschland GmbH |
Manager Internet Solutions and Digital Marketplaces
Hochland Logo

With the Onventis e-procurement solutions, we found an easy way to manage our suppliers centrally. In the network, we have a real-time view of data, histories, and ratings. This minimizes risks and strengthens the business relationship on the buy-side and sell-side.

Daniela Lurz |
Hochland Deutschland GmbH |
Head of Purchasing

The Onventis Network enables us to connect with new customers much faster and makes our customer management much easier and more effective.

Marcus Waldeis |
Viking |
Manager Customer E-Business Solutions
Hochland Logo

With the Onventis e-procurement solutions, we found an easy way to manage our suppliers centrally. In the network, we have a real-time view of data, histories and ratings. This minimizes risks and strengthens the business relationship on the buyside and sellside.

Daniela Lurz |
Hochland Deutschland GmbH |
Head of Purchasing

The Onventis platform is very intuitive and user-friendly – it is similar to online shops like eBay or Amazon. Users can be trained and incorporated quickly.

Fabian Rosenwick |
ENGIE Deutschland |
Project Manager Performance Management Office
Conrad Logo

With the centrally networked supplier account, we can sustainably reduce our process costs.

Andreas Lippert |
Conrad Electronic SE |
Vice President B2B DACH

The Onventis Network reduces the effort for catalog integration and EDI. Another plus: Our market opportunities increase automatically.

Sven Wittenzellner |
Rubix GmbH |
Head of E-Business DACH

Our Network solution are made up of

Our Network solution are made up of

Onventis Buyer

Onventis Buyer

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