
Sales Partner

Cooperation since

Spendlinq is a a full-service provider, that helps organisations every step of the way towards a successful digital transformation. They design, implement and digitalise Source to Pay processes, making sure that they work. They combine proven expertise in the Source to Pay domain with knowledge of innovative technology. Spendlinq can tell you which technologies are on the market and which solution would best suit the needs of their clients. They’re always on the lookout for improvements, so if and when opportunities arise, they’ll use them in their solutions. Because they believe things can always be better. The result? Less risk, more financial control and sustainable success.

Spendlinq has been a certified sales and implementation partner of the Onventis Source to Pay Suite since 2023. With Spendlinq’s purchasing & implementation experts, Onventis strengthens its services in designing and implementing digital purchasing and downstream finance processes in one system.


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